Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a big phone call

It's been almost a week since the last dose of Chemo Round Two. Martin still is not doing so well. He is literally sick to his stomach and is struggling with eating and keeping the food in. He has had terrible stomach aches and nausea for what seems like forever, with very little relief.

Je to už skoro týden od poslední dávky druhého kola chemoterapie. Martin na tom není dobře. Je mu hodně špatně od žaludku, má problém jíst a udržet v sobě jídlo. Má hrozné bolesti břicha a jeho nevolnost se táhne už věčnost a úleva není skoro žádná.

Except for last night. (24 Jan)

Až na minulou noc. (24.01.)

Martin and I were planning on being in Orlando for a big Young Life conference that happens once every four years. Some very dear friends, friends from Europe, Africa, Virgin Islands, colleagues we've spent weeks with serving at different camps, dear friends from university...are all together right now in one big hotel. More than 3000 people will be there. There's lots I could say about this conference (it was there 8 years ago that Martin and I started 'getting to know each other'!!)....

S Martinem jsme plánovali být v Orlandu na velké Young Life konferenci, která se koná jednou za 4 roky. Někteří nám drazí přátelé, přátelé z Evropy, Afriky, Panenských ostrovů, kolegové, se kterými jsme strávili týdny služby na různých kempech, kamarádi z vysoké školy… všichni jsou teď spolu v jednom velkém hotelu. Setká se tam víc než 3000 lidí. Je toho hodně co bych mohla říct o této konferenci (mimo jiné to, že jsme se tam s Martinem před 8 lety začali 'seznamovat'!!!)…

Last night Prague-time (middle of the day Florida-time) we were on the phone with our director, Dave Martin. At the end of a session that Dave led on prayer, he held the phone with us on the line while Ota, a friend/colleague from Ostrava, prayed for Martin- together with 600 other International Young Life staff people. At the end of the prayer, they all sang a worship song together while we were still on the phone. We could hear with our very own ears prayers and songs on our behalf. 600 people, time-zones away. it was a powerful experience. I could picture many many faces of people we love very much in the room….and to know that we were thinking of them, they were thinking of us and we were all talking to God at the same time was really special.

Minulou noc pražského času (na Floridě bylo okolo poledne) jsme telefonovali s našim vedoucím, Davem Martinem. Na konci lekce, kterou Dave vyučoval o modlitbě, Dave držel telefon, zatímco se za nás modlil Ota, náš kamarád a kolega z Ostravy. A spolu s ním se za Martina modlilo dalších 600 členů Mezinárodního Young Life teamu. Na konci modlitby všichni začali zpívat chvály… Poslouchali jsme písně a modlitby za nás. 600 lidí, mnoho časových pásem od nás. Byl to silný zážitek. Dokázala jsem si vybavit mnoho mnoho tváří lidí, které máme tak rádi a kteří byli spolu v té místnosti…. A vědět, že na ně myslíme a oni myslí na nás a všichni jsme společně mluvili k Bohu, to byla velmi vzácná chvíle.

I share that with you for two reasons. One, it was an incredible experience. We were truly blessed and encouraged to know that they took time out of the conference to think of Martin. What a gift.

Sdílím se o to s vámi ze dvou důvodů. Jeden je, že to byla opravdu neuvěřitelná zkušenost. To, že si pro nás vyhradili na konferenci čas bylo obrovským požehnáním a povzbuzením. Byl to dar.

Secondly, last night, after the 'phone call prayer' was one of the first nights he has had relief from his terrible stomach aches. alleluia! We believe in medicine. We believe in prayer. We believe that God is the God of the universe. We believe in miracles.

Druhým důvodem je, že minulá noc po “telefonické modlitbě”, byla jedna z prvních nocí, kdy ustoupila ta hrozná bolest břicha. Haleluja! Věříme v medicínu. Věříme v modlitbu. Věříme, že Bůh je Bohem vesmíru. Věříme v zázraky.

Today he had a doctors appointment. The blood results are not what the doctor expected; he was not happy about the stomach flu and the way that the area on his arm from the 'port' is not healing. He goes back on Monday. Right now, he is still weak and uncomfortable. He's not looking forward to another weekend in bed.

Dnes jde Martin na prohlídku k doktorovi. Výsledky krevních testů nejsou tak dobré, jak doktoři předpokládali, také nebyli spokojení se střevní chřipkou a nelíbí se jim, že se místa okolo vpichů nehojí. Pak jde znova v pondělí. V této chvíli je velmi slabý a nedokáže najít pohodlí. Netěší se na další týden v posteli.

thanks Nina for the translation.


  1. Wow! So incredible, Jane. Praying for you guys from Texas, and remembering fondly those times we were all together in Europe. My heart is so heavy for you, friend, and I continue to pray that despite this enormous trial that somehow, somehow the Lord would let your burden feel a little lighter because of Jesus.


  2. Jane thank you for your posts. You have our prayers, love, and support. Please pass these along to Martin and the girls as well. Dad

  3. this made me cry Jane! Im so thankful you shared this!!!

  4. This made me cry too, Jane. What a blessing that you were able to get the phone call from Orlando. It reminds me of our history together. And reading all this, I am very aware of God's amazing grace in your life, and humbled that God allowed me to see you as an 8thgrader, not knowing Him, to now - a child of God - a woman, a wife, a mother that has surrendered her life to the Lord - everything - even your husband. Remember, Jane, how God saved you mercifully. He took you out of darkness into light. And remember, now during these dark times, that His mercies are new every morning. Great is His Faithfulness. May God's comfort continue to pour down on you and Martin. We love you and continue to pray for you faithfully, jessel for the newtons
