Saturday, January 7, 2012

prvni tyden doma! /first week at home!!

prvni tyden doma!!!
nemuzu uverit tomu, ze uz je to tyden co me propustili domu. Je to ohromna svoboda nemit "vojensky" rezim, ve ktere se vsechno deje na povel, clovek je privazan jak na retezu a nemuze se projit dal nez na zachod..
to ani nemluvim o radosti z rodinneho prostredi, casem stravenym s Jane, sofii i miou, moji rodinou a rodicemi Jane, spanim ve vlastni posteli, domaci strava v neurcenem case.. Jsme moc vdecni za veskerou pomoc, ktere se nam neustale dostava od nasich rodin a kamaradu, bez ktere bychom byli daleko vic unaveni az vycerpani. Preci jenom jeste pres den potrebuji odpocivat a spat, takze do urcite miry jsem takovym tretim ditetem, o ktere se Jane stara.

week 1 at home!!!!
i can't believe that it has already been a week sinceI got released to be an outpatient. There is so much freedom in leaving the "military-like" schedule of the hospital life, the leash of IVs that reach to the bathroom only..
the joy of being with my family, having time with Jane, Sofia and Mia, my family and Jane's parents, sleeping in my own bed, making choice of when to eat a meal, being able to eat home made meals etc. is undescribeable. We are very thankful for all the help from our families and friends, without it we would be much more tired and exhausted. I still take naps during the day, so in a sense Jane has three kids to take care of..

Vcera, v patek 6.1. jsem byl na kontrole u meho noveho osetrujiciho lekare MUDr. Schwarze, ktery je specialistou na leukemii typu APL. Krevni obrazy ukazuji drobne vykyvy, kterou jsou normalni a proto byl odber vzorku kostni drene odlozen o tyden a dostal jsem upraveny seznam leku, ktere musim uzivat. Fyzicky i psychicky se citim velice dobre, a lekare zatim nic neprekvapuje, coz me vede k jeste vetsi vdecnosti za Bozi milost.
Dalsi kroky jsou nasledujici. V patek 13.1. bude dalsi kotrola s odbery krve a vzorku kostni drene. Pokud by hodnoty nastoupaly na potrebnou vysi, od pondeli 16.1. do ctvrtka 20.1. bych dochazel do stacionare na druhe kolo chemoterapie. Ta uz bude probihat pouze ambulantne a v polovicnich davkach!!!

Yesterday, Friday the 6th, I went to see my new doctor - Dr. Schwarz, who is the specialist for the APL type of leukemia. Blood results were overall good, but not high enough for him to take a sample of my bone marrow. Instead we adjusted the list of pills I will take this week before the next appointment on Friday, Jan 13th. Physically and mentally i feel fine, doctors are not surprised by anything they see, which really gives me even more reasons to be more grateful to God for His mercy. If the blood tests and bone marrow sample results will be good enough next week, starting Monday Jan 16th, I would start the second round of chemo. this time I would come to the outpatient clinic every day monday thru thursday. And the chemo is going to be half doses of what was the first one.

Moc si vazim vasich vytrvalych modliteb za muj stav. Verim, ze to je diky nim, ze se mam tak dobre a nemam vetsich bolesti nebo vedlejsich ucinku. Jsem moc vdecny Bohu i za vedeni vsech lekaru, kteri vzdy dobre vyhodnotili muj stav a urcili naslednou lecbu.
Prosim, abyste se take primlouvali za meho kamarada Mykolu, ktery je zpatky v nemocnici a pobyt nesnasi moc dobre. Po dvoutydennim pobytu doma je opravdu tezke se vratit do reality nemocnicniho prostredi, a to nechci zapominat na to, ze jsme na nejlepsim moznem miste k leceni. Po prvni davce chemoterapie uplne ztratil chut k jidlu, nemuze spat, a bojuje s tim vubec nejak se udrzet nad vodou.. Jeho typ leukemie je jiny nez muj a zatim neni uplne jasne, kde se v celem procesu nachazi a zda nebude nakonec potreba i transplantace kostni drene.

I am very thankful for your continues prayers for my health. I do believe, that it is because of prayers i enjoy such a "comfort" of no severe pains or side effects. I am grateful to God for His guidance of the doctors, their precise diagnosis and treatments.
Please lift up in your prayers my friend Mykola, who returned to the hospital last Thursday and is not doing very well in "his spirit". After two weeks at home, it is really demotivating to return to the hospital environment and schedule, even though we are being treated in the best facility in the country. Aftrer the first dose of his chemo last week, he lost his appetite, his stomach is constantly upset, can't fall asleep and rest and the hardest for me was to see his spirit starting to be "crushed". His type of leukemia is different from mine and now the doctors are not clear as to where exactly is he in the process of recovery and if it will not be in the end necessary to do the bone marrow transplant.

Dekuji vam vsem za pravidelnou davku podpory a pripomenuti, ze tento boj nebojuju sam. Opravdu si toho moc vazim!
Thank you very much again for letting us know regularly that i am not alone in this battle. it is much appreciated!!!!!



  1. Thank you for sharing your news, we praise God for your continued care at home and for all the other good things you mentioned! You, Jane, and the girls are on our hearts. Praying for you and for Mykola.
    -Mike & Anna

  2. I'm doing my happy dance and praising God that this has been a good first week home! I'm thinking of you all often and you are in my prayers, Mykola is in them too! -Em

  3. Praying for you guys. Martin, I was sick in bed on Christmas night, for hours I was sick I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you brother, alot! In the midst of suffering, may you continue to know He is good and He is with you. You and Jane and your girls are not alone. And Mykola too.
    Jessel for the Newtons
