Let me share with you a list of amazing things that only the God of the Universe could have organized. Most of these are things we couldn't have even asked for, but have been such BIG gifts.
Chtěla bych se s vámi podělit o seznam úžasných věcí, které mohl zařídit jen Bůh. O většinu bychom nikdy neprosili, ale jsou pro nás OBROVSKÝM darem.
1. Martin's roommate is a believer. A Ukranian believer. He has a daughter, 1.5 years. He's been there one week longer than Martin. They pray together, watch movies, discuss important topics such as Russian mafia and I have no doubt that they will be friends forever. They can support each other in ways no one else can. Even the nurses have said that it's rare when BOTH patients are have strong hope; more often one has to carry the other.
2. Martin's main doctor speaks perfect English. What a relief for me and for him to not have to translate such things.
2. Martinův doktor mluví perfektně anglicky. Jaká úleva, že nemusím vše překládat.
3. His hospital is PERFECTLY located right in the center of Prague. Minutes from his moms' work and from the metro. It's an easy 15 minutes on public for me. I just happened to get an OpenCard, a year pass this September (I hadn't for 3 years because of the babies!)
3. Nemocnice je na SKVĚLÉM místě, přímo v centru Prahy. Několik minut na metro a do práce Martinovy mamky. Mě to trvá asi 15 minut městskou hromadnou dopravou. V září jsem si pořídila OpenCard, roční jízdenku (kterou jsem dřív neměla kvůli dětem).
4. Day 3, during my visit, the door opens and in walks in one of our neighbors in a doctor's dress. It turns out she works at the same hospital ONE FLOOR above Martin. She encouraged him and offered to help in anyway. We were absolutely shocked.
4. Třetí den, během mé návštěvy se otevřely dveře a dovnitř vešla naše sousedka v lékařské uniformě. Ukázalo se, že pracuje ve stejné nemocnici, jen O PATRO VÝŠ než leží Martin. Podpořila ho a nabídla pomoc. Byli jsme v šoku!
5. His tooth. I know I mentioned this before, but his toothache might have saved his life. He had his wisdom tooth extracted due to an infection, and because neither the infection or extraction healed, the doctors were able to recognize that something was wrong. Once diagnosed, the doctors said that they think he had Leukemia LESS THAN ONE MONTH!
5. Martinův zub. Vím, že jsem se již zmínila, ale ta bolest mu zřejme zachránila život. Zubař musel vytrhnout zub moudrosti nakažený infekcí, ale protože se ani jedno nehojilo, doktoři zjistili, že je něco špatně. Myslí si, že se leukémie nachází v těle MÉNĚ NEŽ MĚSÍC.
6. Sofia, our 3 year old daughter, loves Curious George. Both she and Mia do. I don’t know why, but her most favorite story for a long time has been ‘Curious George goes to the hospital.’ This is amazing because in her sweet little mind the hospital is a happy place. And it gave me a context to explain to her where her daddy is. I haven’t pushed her to read it since Martin has been gone, but tonight for the first time she requested it.
6. Sofia, naše 3 letá dcera, ale i Mia milují “Curious George”. Nevím proč, ale jejich nejoblíbenější je “Curious George jde do nemocnice”. Jejich představa nemocnice jako šťastného místa je úžasná. Dává mi to způsob jak vysvětlit, kde právě je jejich taťka. Od té doby, co je Martin pryč, jsem ji nenutila číst, ale dnes večer si o to poprvé řekla.
7. Mikey and Monika Valkovi. I hope each one of you has someone like Mikey and Monika in your lives! They are dear friends of ours who live in the flat above us. Monika and I were pregnant at the same time with our eldest (Sofia and Matyas) and not a week goes by without one of us running up or downstairs for eggs, potatoes or most importantly, milk for morning coffee. Mia and Sofia (our 2 girls) were upstairs with them all afternoon the day Martin was diagnosed with Leukemia. To know that as Martin and I are hearing such heart-breaking news, the girls are safe, comfortable, running, jumping and giggling at their 'home away from home', was such gift. Since then, they continue to care for us, especially the girls in so many ways.
7. Majki a Monika Válkovi. Doufám, že každý z vás má ve svém životě někoho jako je Majki a Monika! Jsou to naši drazí přátelé, kteří bydlí v bytě nad námi. S Monikou jsme byly těhotné ve stejnou dobu (já se Sofií a Monika s Matyášem) a není týdne kdybychom neběhaly nahoru a dolů pro vajíčka, brambory nebo pro to nejdůležitější – mléko do ranní kávy. Mia a Sofia (naše dvě dcery) s nimi byli nahoře celé odpoledne, když byl Martin diagnostikován s leukémií. Vědomí toho, že holky jsou v pořádku a pohodlí, že si hrajou, běhají, skákají a smějí se v jejich druhém domově, zatím co já a Martin slyšíme takové hrozné zprávy byl opravdu dar. Od té doby se o nás, hlavně o holky, starají v mnoha směrech.
8. A bed was available at the special ward for blood cancer patients. We know that all the beds are full- we don't take it for granted that Martin is exactly where he needs to be. We are thankful for the referral from the dentist that allowed Martin to skip a few steps in getting to where he is.
8. Na oddělení pro pacienty s rakovinou krve byla volná postel. Všichni víme, že je obsazeno a nebereme to jako samozřejmost, že Martin je přesně tam, kde potřebuje být. Jsme vděční za doporučení zubaře, který Martinovi pomohl přeskočit pár kroků.
9. I emailed a group of friends here-university students or people who offered to watch the Sofia and Mia, with different days and times that I would need babysitting. Within a few hours, it was covered for THREE WEEKS. amazing.
9. Napsala jsem email několika přátelům – studentům vysoké školy a těm, kteří se nabídli, že pohlídají Sofiu a Miu různé dny, kdy potřebujem hlídání. Během několika hodin jsme měli zajištěné hlídání na TŘI TÝDNY. Úžasné.
10. Social-network can be a powerful thing! Friends on our Young Life team here in Prague organized a prayer vigil for Martin and our family- for people to join in fasting and praying for us daily. When Vendy mentioned it to me I thought it was a good idea but honestly didn’t think anyone would really join. In less than 2 days, there were already 200 people in the group from ALL OVER THE WORLD. Lisbon, Prague, Ostrava, Madrid, Munich, Basel, London, Netherlands, Boston, DC, LA, Denver, Italy, Africa, Dallas, Houston, Charlotte, Harrisonburg, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Virgin Islands, Seattle, Portland, Cambodia, Vietnam, just to name a few. We are so blessed.
These are just a few. I will continue to share things like this.....alleluia!
Toto je jen pár bodů. Budu s vámi i nadále sdílet tyto věci. Aleluja!
Thank you, Vendy Brtníková for this translation!!!
Sweet Jane, As i read this post and prayed for your family, i was reminded of all the times you were available to watch my children when i needed you. I am so gratful for those in your life God has provided to watch your small children. As you now know it is no small provision to have people you trust and love watching your kids. I pray specifically that you will be as relaxed and comfortable and as at peace when someone else is with your girls as i was when YOU were with mine!! You and Martin are in my prayers daily!! You have been gifted for this! I love you, Susan Secrist
ReplyDeleteHi Jane and Martin,
ReplyDeleteI was taken aback to hear that you were unwell - it felt like just a couple of days earlier we'd been chatting in the Trinactka Christian Centre. So, thank you for setting up the blog - glad to read that the impressive Czech healthcare system is taking good care of you both; delighted that you have a bilingual doctor...and even a sympathetic room-mate. I'm guessing Christmas will come to YOU this year, Martin...it'll be different but it'll definitely be Christmas with all the blessings of the Christ-Child. And with Curious George on your side, who could ask for more? You and the girls are in our thoughts and prayers...
...hope you like our party-wigs! The bus drivers in Usti nad Labem refused to allow us on the buses wearing them last year - think that was mainly down to Alan, though.
ReplyDeleteJane and Martin, Thank you for posting this blog. I met you at Saranac (where I live) and I will be lifting you up, and praising God with you for all the ways He is loving you. I can say this from experience: Leukemia just gives God an opportunity to show his love. Actually, for me it was an opportunity to find and receive his deep and intimate love. I'd go through it all again just for that.