Sunday, December 11, 2011

note from Martin

Mili pratele,
slova nemuzou vyjadrit vdecnost, kterou prozivam za vase modlitby, slova povzbuzeni, odkazy na biblicke verse, kazani, chvaly, basne, vtipy.. Jsem moc vdecny i za navstevy, ktere diky dobremu zdravotnimu stavu muzu prijmat. Vcera byl muj 10. den v nemocnici a mam pocit jako by se ve mne neco zlomilo - protoze nemam krome zubu zadne bolesti ani komplikace, prognozy lecby a vysledky jsou vice nez dobre, nebyt diagnozy leukemie, pripadalo mi do vcerejska ze se to da "lidsky" zvladnout.

Dear friends,
Words cannot express how thankful I am for all of your prayers, words of encouragement, links to bible verses, preachings, worship songs, poems, jokes. I am also very thankful for the visitors I can accept according to my good health. Yesterday was my 10th day in hospital and I have a feeling that something changed inside me - cause I don`t have any pain except the tooth, there are no complications, prognosis of the treatment and the test are great. If there wasn`t the diagnosis of leukemia, till yesterday I was thinking that it`s possible to overcome it by just "man" power.
Rano jsem se probudil a jako by mi dosly sily.I presto ze nemam bolesti, citil jsem silnou potrebu volat k Bohu, aby me tim dalsim dnem pronesl. Tady me silne JA uz skoncilo. JA si nijak pomoc nemuzu, Ja tu nic neovlivnim, JA nehraje roli. S duverou, ze me Buh miluje a provede me i temi nasledujicimi 40 dny pouste, jsem prozil nadherny odpocinkovy den. Jsem moc rad, ze neprozivam obvinovani Boha "proc ja?" ale vidim Ho jako toho, kdo jde se mnou, kdo je muj pruvodce a koho nasleduji.

I woke up in the morning with absolutely no energy. Even though I didn`t have any pain, I was feeling strong need to call to God and ask Him to take me through this. Here my 'strong Me' is just not enough. I cannot help it myself, I cannot change anything, I don`t have any role here. With the trust, that God loves me and he will guide me through the next 40 days of desert, I had amazing peaceful day. I am really happy that I don`t ask God "WHY ME?" , but I see him as the one who is my guide and whom I follow.

Jsem ted ve fazi lecby, ve ktere se zacnou projevovat vedlejsi ucinky chemoterapie. Prozatim mam velky opar na spodnim rtu a nehojici se bolestivou ranu po vytrzenem zubu, kvuli ktere mam obcasne bolesti hlavy. Moje imunita je ted velice slaba, kazdy bacil muze byt velkou komplikaci. Nejvetsi obavy a nejcastejsi dotazy lekaru jsou na jakekoliv krvaceni, ktere prozatim nikde nemam. Diky Bohu se nedivam smrti primo do tvare, ale dostal jsem cas navic. Pro nas vztah s Jane je to novy rozmer naseho vztahu, dalsich planu, a vubec novy uhel pohledu na zivot i s ohledem na Sofii a Miu. Jane to nese statecne, ale vim ze to ma tezke. Dekuji vam, za veskerou praktickou pomoc a povzbuzeni, ktere ji moc pomaha projit touto zkouskou.

I am getting to the point of treatment, where the side effects of chemotherapy will start to show up. So far I have a big haze on my lip and painful wound from the tooth extraction, it gives me a headache sometimes. My immunity system is really weak, any germ can complicate things. The biggest worry and the most often asked question by doctors is about bleeding, luckily I don`t have any. Thanks to God I am not looking straight at the death, I have more time. My relationship with Jane has already been pushed to a new dimension, as well as our point of view on the future and life, especially in regards to Sofia and Mia. Jane is so brave, but I know how hard it is for her. I thank you for all the practical help and encouragement, It helps so much pass through those hard times.

Dekuji vam, jak jste za me na modlitbach postavili a zahrnuli celou nasi rodinu velkou podporou, diky ktere vime, ze v tom nejsme sami. Rad bych vas take pozadal o modlitby za Mykolu, meho spolubydliciho, ktery pokud pristi 2 testy dopadnou dobre dostane na vanoce propustku domu. Bylo by to skvele, protoze jeho manzelka bude tento tyden zadat o viza a pokud je dostane mohla by prijet v case, kdy by mohly byt spolu doma a ne v nemocnici. Mykola pracuje tady a manzelka s dcerou jsou na Ukrajine a vlastne se vidaji velice zridka. Pokud to tak bude, prosim modlete se uz ted za meho noveho spolubydliciho.

Jeste jednou vam moc za vsechno dekuji.
V Kristu,

I want to thank you so much, how you put us in your prayers, how you filled my family with help and encouragement, because of that we know we are not alone for all those hard times. I would also like to ask you to pray for Mykola, my roommate, who can go home for christmas if the next two test will be good. That would be awesome, cause his wife is applying for visa this week and if she gets it, they can be together at home and not in hospital. Mykola works here, but his wife with daughter live in Ukraine and they don`t see each other very often. And if that is the case, please pray for my new roommate.

Once more thank you all.
In Christ

thanks Honza Valosek for translation into English!

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